Welcome to Rounce Funeral Services -
Bereavement Support
SAIF Care is the UK-wide bereavement service offered by independent funeral directors such as Rounce Funeral Services, who are members of the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF).
We know that no-one can understand exactly what your loss feels like to you. But we do understand that it’s sometimes easier to talk to someone outside of your friends and family about grief and the impact of bereavement on your life.
SAIF Care is available to all bereaved people under the care of SAIF Funeral Directors such as Rounce Funeral Services and provides helpline, email and webchat support which are free, confidential and provided by professional bereavement counsellors.

SAIF Care is a UK-wide bereavement support service
SAIF Care bereavement support is offered by SAIF – the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors.
The service is available to the clients of Rounce Funeral Services.
Most people expect to be very upset or distressed when someone close to them has died. What takes many people by surprise is how strong the emotions can be, how they can change very quickly, and how long they last.
People around you may seem to think you should be ‘back to normal’ after a few weeks or months. You might appear to be your usual self to other people, but you know that on the inside, you’re not even sure what normal is anymore.
Everyone grieves in a way that is unique to them and their relationship with the person who has died. Well-intentioned people may say to you, ‘time is a great healer.’
Sometimes, however, it can seem that life is more difficult as the weeks and months go by.
Why we offer the SAIF Care service
We know that no-one can understand exactly what your loss feels like to you. But we do understand that it’s sometimes easier to talk to someone outside of your friends and family about grief and the impact of bereavement on your life. This is why we offer the SAIF Care service.
SAIF Care bereavement support provides a range of services to bereaved people over the age of 18.
There is also the option for referral into *counselling by telephone, webcam or face to face in your local area by our skilled and qualified bereavement counsellors. (*Fees may apply for this service)
Our bereavement support service provides
Helpline support on
which is open from 9am-9pm (GMT) Monday-Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.
Friendly, supportive helpline staff who are available to offer information, advice and a listening ear.
Email support and information at
Free online webchat
About SAIF Care
SAIF Care was launched in 2018 and is brought to you by SAIF and Professional Help Limited. SAIF Care is a UK-wide bereavement service offered by SAIF Funeral Directors to help families who are struggling to come to terms with the loss of a loved one.
SAIF - The National Society of Allied & Independent Funeral Directors, was established in 1989 and represents more than 950 privately owned, independent funeral homes across the UK, including Rounce Funeral Services.
Professional Help, which was established in 2012, aims to ensure that anyone can access support and counselling when they need it most. Professional Help offers general and bereavement counselling with qualified, experienced therapists who have been fully screened to ensure that they offer the very best care and support to those who need it.
The SAIF Care service includes a telephone bereavement helpline, email support and SAIF Care Chat, an online webchat powered by GriefChat®, a ground-breaking service founded in 2017 which provides emotional support for bereaved people and gives instant access to trained, bereavement counsellors.
If you would like to know more or need to talk you can contact us on
or by email at
When to get help
It is quite normal to feel a range of strong emotions after a bereavement, however you might wish to consider asking for support if you are experiencing any of the following:
● difficulty coping with intense feelings
● feeling unusually tired, confused and unable to concentrate
● feeling numb or empty quite a long time after the death
● having nightmares or difficulty sleeping
● your relationships seem to be suffering badly
● constantly feeling angry or irritable
● smoking, drinking or taking medication or other drugs more than usual
● your work attendance or performance is suffering.
Useful Links
The following organisations also offer bereavement support and advice. If you are looking for support which isn't mentioned here please contact us. You can also visit At a Loss, the UK's signposting and information website for bereaved people.
General bereavement support
Families and Friends in Bereavement
Loss of a child
Bereaved children & young people
Loss of a partner
WAY Widowed and Young (under 50 years of age)
Sudden and traumatic death / suicide
Brake (road traffic accident deaths)
Suicide & Co (bereavement by suicide)
Contact SAIF Care
If you have used Rounce Funeral Services and think that SAIF Care could help support you, you can contact us via our helpline, email and webchat services.
Our helpline, email and webchat are open Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm (excluding Bank Holidays).
Email us at help@saifcare.org.uk
Call our helpline
on Freephone 0800 917 7224
SAIF Care Chat
Webchat with a bereavement counsellor
(For clients using SAIF member funeral services)
As part of our commitment to caring for bereaved families, we have teamed up with the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) to offer further support and advice to people experiencing grief.
As a member of the trade association, SAIF Care allows us to provide our clients with exclusive access to a free bereavement care helpline and an online chat service, both of which are staffed by trained bereavement specialists.
The SAIF Care team is there to offer a listening ear and give reliable information about a range of help and services available near you. For more information on SAIF Care visit www.saifcare.org.uk.
We also offer face-to-face bereavement counselling to clients who might need additional support following the death of a loved one. Each person’s bereavement journey is unique and there’s no right or wrong way to grieve.
If you feel that you are struggling following the death of someone close, please contact us and we will be able to assist in getting you the support you need.
For further details about this service please contact us on 01903 692626.